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1. Create a contract class as follows of type List in multi selection :

class SLD_RecieptSlipReportContract implements SysOperationValidatable
List purchidlist;
SysOperationLabelAttribute(literalstr("Purchase Order ID's")),
SysOperationHelpTextAttribute(literalstr("Purchase Order ID's")),
AifCollectionTypeAttribute("purchidlist", Types::String)
public List parmpurchid(List _purchidlist = purchidlist)
purchidlist = _purchidlist;
return purchidlist;


DataMemberAttribute('Semester'), SysOperationLabelAttribute(literalstr("@ConWAN:StdSem")),
public Integer parmsemester(Integer _semester = semester)
semester = _semester;
return semester;

public boolean validate()
boolean isValid = true;
isValid = checkFailed("not valid purchase order ID");
return isValid;

2. for multi select Look-up create a UI Builder class :

class SLD_RecieptSlipUIBuilderClass extends SysOperationAutomaticUIBuilder
DialogField dialogCust;
container conCustTable;
SLD_RecieptSlipReportContract contract;

public void build()
contract = this.dataContractObject() as SLD_RecieptSlipReportContract;
dialogCust = this.addDialogField(
methodStr(SLD_RecieptSlipReportContract, parmpurchid),

public void postBuild()


contract = this.dataContractObject() as SLD_RecieptSlipReportContract;
dialogCust = this.bindInfo().getDialogField(
methodStr(SLD_RecieptSlipReportContract, parmpurchid));
methodStr(FormStringControl, lookup),
methodStr(SLD_RecieptSlipUIBuilderClass, purchTableLookup),

if (dialogCust)
private void purchTableLookup(FormStringControl _control)
Query query= new Query();
QueryBuildDataSource qbdsSLD_Enroll;
qbdsSLD_Enroll = query.addDataSource(tableNum(VendPackingSlipJour));
qbdsSLD_Enroll.addSelectionField(fieldNum(VendPackingSlipJour, PurchId));
//qbdsSLD_Enroll.fields().addField(fieldNum(VendPackingSlipJour, PurchId));
//sysTableLookup = SysTableLookup::newParameters(tableNum(VendPackingSlipJour), _control);
//sysTableLookup.addLookupfield(fieldNum(VendPackingSlipJour, PurchId));
//conCustTable = [tableNum(VendPackingSlipJour), fieldNum(VendPackingSlipJour, PurchId)];

public void postRun()

3. Finally Create a DP class as follows :

class SLD_RecieptSlipReportDP extends SRSReportDataProviderBase
VendPackingSlipTrans vendPackingSlipTrans;
VendPackingSlipJour vendPackingSlipJour;
SLD_ReceiptSlipTemp receiptslip;
InventDim inventDim;
ListIterator listIdIterator;
ListIterator list;

private Query buildQuery(ListIterator _listIdIterator = null)
Query query= new Query();
QueryBuildDataSource packingslip;
packingslip = query.addDataSource(tableNum(VendPackingSlipTrans));

Info(strFmt('before %1',_listIdIterator.value()));
Info(strFmt('After %1',_listIdIterator.value()));
query.dataSourceTable(tablenum(VendPackingSlipTrans), 1)
.addRange(fieldnum(VendPackingSlipTrans, OrigPurchid)).value(queryValue(_listIdIterator.value()));;
return query;

/// <summary>
/// Gets the full data from the <c>PurchPackingSlipTmp</c> temporary table.
/// </summary>
/// <returns>
/// The <c>PurchPackingSlipTmp</c> temporary table.
/// </returns>
public SLD_ReceiptSlipTemp getPurchReceiptSlipTmp()
select receiptslip;
return receiptslip;

public void getReportParametes()
SLD_RecieptSlipReportContract Contract = this.parmDataContract() as SLD_RecieptSlipReportContract;

listIdIterator = new ListIterator(Contract.parmpurchid());

private ItemId itemId()
ItemId itemId;
switch (VendFormletterParameters::find().ItemNum)
case OurYourBoth::Our : itemId = vendPackingSlipTrans.ItemId; break;
case OurYourBoth::Your : itemId = vendPackingSlipTrans.ExternalItemId; break;
case OurYourBoth::Both : itemId = vendPackingSlipTrans.ItemId; break;

return itemId;

private void PurchPackingSlipDetailsTmp()
SLD_RecieptSlipReportContract _dataContract = this.parmDataContract() as SLD_RecieptSlipReportContract;
list = new ListIterator(_dataContract.parmpurchid());
while (list.more())
while select vendPackingSlipTrans where list.value() == vendPackingSlipTrans.OrigPurchid
receiptslip.JournalRecId = vendPackingSlipJour.RecId;
receiptslip.ItemId = this.itemId();
receiptslip.Name = vendPackingSlipTrans.Name;
//receiptslip.Ordered = vendPackingSlipTrans.Ordered;
receiptslip.PurchUnit = vendPackingSlipTrans.purchUnitTxt();
receiptslip.PurchQty = vendPackingSlipTrans.Qty;
//receiptslip.Remain = vendPackingSlipTrans.Remain;
receiptslip.InventSiteId = vendPackingSlipTrans.inventDim().InventSiteId;
receiptslip.InventLocationId = vendPackingSlipTrans.inventDim().InventLocationId;
receiptslip.InventSizeId = vendPackingSlipTrans.inventDim().InventSizeId;
receiptslip.InventColorId = vendPackingSlipTrans.inventDim().InventColorId;
receiptslip.PurchId = vendPackingSlipTrans.OrigPurchid;

public void processReport()
QueryRun queryRun;
SLD_RecieptSlipReportContract contract;
//Query query= new Query();
queryRun = new QueryRun(this.buildQuery(listIdIterator));
vendPackingSlipTrans = queryRun.get(tablenum(vendPackingSlipTrans));

           HEY HEY HEY!!! HACK OF THE DAY !! 


                  Query       query= new Query();

                   QueryBuildDataSource    pack;

             pack = query.addDataSource(tableNum(TN));



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