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EXCEL Add-in D365 FO


To use excel add-in for D365 data entities for CRUD operations. You can easily follow below mentioned steps:

1. Open Excel from any Desktop or VM and click on Add-ins option under insert tab:

2. Check if you have Microsoft Dynamics Office Add-ins, If not then download it from Microsoft store:

3. If you have above mentioned Add-in click on this and click add server information:

4. In server URL add your environment URL either dev, UAT or PROD and click OK.  for e.g: ( 

5. Click on Design button and it will display below mentioned screen:

6. Click on Select entity data source and choose your desired data entity from list on which you need to perform CRUD operations and click on NEXT:

7. Double click on each field present in AVAILABLE FIELD SECTION to get them in SELECTED FIELD SECTION:

8. Click on Refresh Once and you will be able to see data in your entity in Excel:

9. After making changes to your data, click on the button on right PUBLISH so that your changes will be made to the entity:



Always make sure that your cursor should be on row A1 before clicking on the button REFRESH to get entity data.


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