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Email Processing - Distributor Batch

Often we need to send emails during a process in Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations. That's quite a standard requirement which often makes you look up some examples of your own or web.

Here is yet another blog post on email sending. 

In this blog post I will provide a few examples of sending email. But first let me introduce you some terms.

  • Email template - Templates stored underOrganization administration>Setup>Organization email templates. The underlying tables are SysEmailTable and SysEmailMessageTable.
  • Placeholder - a string enclosed within percent (%) symbols. E.g. %placeholder%.
  • Email processing table - two tables SysOutgoingEmailTable and SysOutgoingEmailData that store emails to be processed by a batch job. Emails can be found under System administration>Periodic tasks>Email processing>Email sending status.

I assume you have all you email parameters in place and its functional.

Let's send some emails! 

The simplest way is to send it directly. Check out the following example:

var builder = new SysMailerMessageBuilder();


builder.setSubject("The greatest email of all time");
builder.setBody("This is the best email ever. I believe in code!");
var message = builder.getMessage();


TipaddTo method accepts semicolon separated email addresses.

Let's be a little bit more sophisticated and create an email template.

Now let's send an email using the template.

SysEmailTable        sysEmailTable        = SysEmailTable::find('MyTemplate');
SysEmailMessageTable sysEmailMessageTable = SysEmailMessageTable::find(sysEmailTable.EmailId, sysEmailTable.DefaultLanguage);

var builder = new SysMailerMessageBuilder();

builder.setFrom(sysEmailTable.SenderAddr, sysEmailTable.SenderName);

var message = builder.getMessage();


What's the template without placeholders, right?

Let's add a couple of placeholders %UserName% and %DateTime% and resolve them. But first we need to add them to the template.


See the code example bellow on how to resolve the placeholders:

SysEmailTable        sysEmailTable        = SysEmailTable::find('MyTemplate');
SysEmailMessageTable sysEmailMessageTable = SysEmailMessageTable::find(sysEmailTable.EmailId, sysEmailTable.DefaultLanguage);

str messageBody = sysEmailMessageTable.Mail;
str subject = sysEmailMessageTable.Subject;

Map placeholderMap = new Map(Types::String, Types::String);

placeholderMap.insert("UserName", "Evaldas Landauskas");
placeholderMap.insert("DateTime", strFmt("%1", DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime()));

messageBody = SysEmailMessage::stringExpand(messageBody, placeholderMap);
subject = SysEmailMessage::stringExpand(subject, placeholderMap);

var builder = new SysMailerMessageBuilder();

builder.setFrom(sysEmailTable.SenderAddr, sysEmailTable.SenderName);

var message = builder.getMessage();


Note: Keys in the map are not enclosed with %, the code inside stringExpand encloses the keys.


OK. Let's try one more thing. Let's say you would like to have a control on emails, like being able to resend in case of some failure.

In this example we will use email processing table instead of directly sending an email. 

SysEmailTable        sysEmailTable        = SysEmailTable::find('MyTemplate');
SysEmailMessageTable sysEmailMessageTable = SysEmailMessageTable::find(sysEmailTable.EmailId, sysEmailTable.DefaultLanguage);

str messageBody = sysEmailMessageTable.Mail;
str subject = sysEmailMessageTable.Subject;

Map placeholderMap = new Map(Types::String, Types::String);

placeholderMap.insert("UserName", "Evaldas Landauskas");
placeholderMap.insert("DateTime", strFmt("%1", DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime()));

messageBody = SysEmailMessage::stringExpand(messageBody, placeholderMap);
subject = SysEmailMessage::stringExpand(subject, placeholderMap);

SysOutgoingEmailTable outgoingEmailTable;
SysOutgoingEmailData outgoingEmailData;

outgoingEmailTable.EmailItemId = EventInbox::nextEventId();
outgoingEmailTable.TemplateId = sysEmailTable.EmailId;
outgoingEmailTable.Sender = sysEmailTable.SenderAddr;
outgoingEmailTable.SenderName = sysEmailTable.SenderName;
outgoingEmailTable.Recipient = '';
outgoingEmailTable.Subject = subject;
outgoingEmailTable.Message = messageBody;
outgoingEmailTable.Priority = sysEmailTable.Priority;
outgoingEmailTable.WithRetries = true;
outgoingEmailTable.RetryNum = 0;
outgoingEmailTable.UserId = curuserid();
outgoingEmailTable.Status = SysEmailStatus::Unsent;
outgoingEmailTable.LatestStatusChangeDateTime = DateTimeUtil::getSystemDateTime();

And the result is this.


The emails in this table are processed via batch job
System administration>Periodic tasks>Email processing>Email distributor batch.


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