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Email D365

To send an email in D365 there are some standard libraries used for this. In this below code we have used email templates for email. but there are some points which you need to make sure 

1. email parameters ------- add your email and smtp

2. email batch job used to send email. 

3. Class SysmailerBuilder (used below) doesnt require above 2 points. it sends email automatically

class SendEmail
/// <summary>
/// sends email on click to respective vendors
/// </summary>
public void clicked()

DialogButton diagBut;
str strMessage = "@SLD_Label:ContinueOrNot";
str strTitle = "@SLD_Label:EmailNotification";
diagBut = Box::yesNo(strMessage, DialogButton::Yes, strTitle);
if (diagBut == DialogButton::Yes)

public void getRecords ()
MultiSelectionHelper selectionHelper = MultiSelectionHelper::construct();
Set selectedRecords = new Set(Types::Record);
VendTrans vendTran, vendTranss;
Email email;
boolean istrue;
VendTable vendTab;
SLD_EmailNotification emailNotification;


vendTran = selectionHelper.getFirst();

if (vendTran.RecId)
while (vendTran)

select vendTab
join vendTranss
where vendTab.AccountNum == vendTranss.AccountNum
&& vendTranss.Voucher == vendTran.Voucher;

istrue = this.isEmailAlreadySent(vendTran);

if(istrue || !(vendTran.EmailSent))
this.processEmailNotification(vendTab.PaymMode, vendTran, vendTab);
vendTran = selectionHelper.getNext();

public void processEmailNotification (VendPaymMode _paymMode, VendTrans _vendTrans, VendTable _vendTab)
VendPaymModeTable vendpaymMode;
SysEmailTable sysEmailTable;
SLD_EmailNotification emailNotifiation = new SLD_EmailNotification();
Map map = new Map (Types::String,Types::String);
Boolean isSuccess;
str EmailTableValue;

select sysEmailTable
join vendpaymMode
where vendpaymMode.PaymMode == _paymMode
&& vendpaymMode.SLDEmailId == sysEmailTable.EmailId;

EmailTableValue= this.initEmailTableContents(_vendTrans);
isSuccess = this.processEmail(EmailTableValue, vendpaymMode.SLDEmailId, _vendTab, _vendTrans);

info(strFmt('@SLD_Label:EmailSuccess', _vendTrans.AccountNum,_vendTrans.Voucher));

select forupdate _vendTrans
where _vendTrans.EmailSent == NoYes::No;
_vendTrans.EmailSent = NoYes::Yes;



public boolean processEmail (str _emailtablevalue, SysEmailId _emailId, VendTable _vendTable, VendTrans _vendtrans)
SysMailerMessageBuilder messageBuilder = new SysMailerMessageBuilder();
boolean istrue = false;

SysEmailTable sysEmailTable = SysEmailTable::find(_emailId);

throw error(strFmt("@SLD_Label:EmailTempNotSet",_vendtrans.Voucher));

SysEmailMessageTable sysEmailMessageTable = SysEmailMessageTable::find(sysEmailTable.EmailId, sysEmailTable.DefaultLanguage);

str messageBody = sysEmailMessageTable.Mail;
str subject = sysEmailMessageTable.Subject;

Map placeholderMap = new Map(Types::String, Types::String);

placeholderMap.insert("Amount", num2Str(netamountpayment,0,0,0,0));
placeholderMap.insert("EmailTable", _emailtablevalue);

messageBody = SysEmailMessage::stringExpand(messageBody, placeholderMap);
subject = SysEmailMessage::stringExpand(subject, placeholderMap);


throw error(strFmt("@SLD_Label:EmailNotSet",_vendtrans.Voucher));

messageBuilder.setFrom(sysEmailTable.SenderAddr, sysEmailTable.SenderName);

var message = messageBuilder.getMessage();
netamountpayment = 0;
istrue = true;
catch (Exception::Error)
throw error(strFmt("@SLD_Label:FailedEmail", _vendTrans.AccountNum,_vendTrans.Voucher));

return istrue;

public boolean isEmailAlreadySent (VendTrans _vendTrans)
boolean istrue = false;

if(_vendTrans.EmailSent == NoYes::Yes)
DialogButton diagBut;
str strMessage = strFmt("@SLD_Label:EmailAlreadySent", _vendTrans.AccountNum,_vendTrans.Voucher);
str strTitle = "@SLD_Label:EmailNotification";
diagBut = Box::yesNo(strMessage, DialogButton::No, strTitle);

if (diagBut == DialogButton::Yes)
istrue = true;

return istrue;

public str initEmailTableContents (VendTrans _vendTrans)
RecId lastProcessedBankChequePaymTrans = 0;
RecId recIdToProcessFrom = lastProcessedBankChequePaymTrans;
BankChequePaymTrans bankChequePaymTrans;
Query query;
QueryRun queryRunn;
TaxWithholdTrans taxWithholdTrans;
TaxWithholdTable taxWithholdTable;
TaxTrans taxTrans;
TaxTable taxTable;
TaxWithholdAmountCur withHeldGST;
AmountCur amountGSTWHT, amountDeductionWHT, NetAmount;
List emailtablecontents = new List (Types::String);
int counter = 1;
boolean flag = false;
str EmailTable, Header, emailTablerows, netAmountPaid;
chequeTmp chequeTmp, chequeTmpTable;

while select bankChequePaymTrans
order by bankChequePaymTrans.RecId
where bankChequePaymTrans.Voucher == _vendTrans.Voucher
&& bankChequePaymTrans.RecId > recIdToProcessFrom
amountGSTWHT = 0;
amountDeductionWHT = 0;
withHeldGST = 0;

chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceVoucher = bankChequePaymTrans.InvoiceVoucher ;
chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceId = bankChequePaymTrans.InvoiceId;
chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceDate = date2Str(bankChequePaymTrans.InvoiceDate,

chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceAmountCur = bankChequePaymTrans.PaymentAmountCur != 0 ? -bankChequePaymTrans.PaymentAmountCur : -bankChequePaymTrans.InvoiceAmountCur;
chequeTmp.SLDSr = counter;
flag = true ;

query = new Query(queryStr(SLDChequeWithHoldAmount));
.addRange(fieldNum(TaxWithholdTrans, Voucher))
.value(_vendTrans.Voucher) ;

.addRange(fieldNum(TaxWithholdTrans, VoucherInvoice))

queryRun = new QueryRun(query);
if (SysQuery::countLoops(queryRun) > 0) // check if transaction has Item witholding tax
taxWithholdTrans = queryRun.get(tableNum(TaxWithholdTrans));
taxWithholdTable = queryRun.get(tableNum(TaxWithholdTable));

if (taxWithholdTable.SLD_WithholdingOf == 0)
amountGSTWHT += taxWithholdTrans.PaymTaxWithholdAmount;
else if (taxWithholdTable.SLD_WithholdingOf == 1)
amountDeductionWHT += taxWithholdTrans.PaymTaxWithholdAmount;

withHeldGST += taxWithholdTrans.SLD_STWH;
chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceAmountCur = taxWithholdTrans.InvoiceAmount;

chequeTmp.SLDGSTWithholdAmount = amountGSTWHT;
chequeTmp.SLDDeductionWithholdAmount = amountDeductionWHT;

chequeTmp.SLDGSTWithholdAmount = abs(withHeldGST);
chequeTmp.SLDPaymentAmountCur = chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceAmountCur - chequeTmp.SLDGSTWithholdAmount - chequeTmp.SLDDeductionWithholdAmount;
while select TaxCode, TaxAmountCur
from taxTrans
where taxTrans.Voucher == bankChequePaymTrans.InvoiceVoucher
&& taxTrans.TransDate == bankChequePaymTrans.InvoiceTransDate
taxTable = TaxTable::find(taxTrans.TaxCode);

if (taxTable.SLD_STWHCode == NoYes::Yes)
withHeldGST += taxTrans.TaxAmountCur;

chequeTmp.SLDGSTWithholdAmount = abs(withHeldGST);
chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceAmountCur += chequeTmp.SLDGSTWithholdAmount;
chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceAmountCur += chequeTmp.SLDDeductionWithholdAmount;

chequeTmp.SLDPaymentAmountCur = chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceAmountCur - chequeTmp.SLDGSTWithholdAmount - chequeTmp.SLDDeductionWithholdAmount;



chequeTmp.SLDGSTWithholdAmount = 0;
chequeTmp.SLDDeductionWithholdAmount = 0;

counter = counter + 1 ;
lastProcessedBankChequePaymTrans = bankChequePaymTrans.RecId;


if (flag == false)
LedgerJournalTrans ledgerJournalTrans = LedgerJournalTrans::findJournalForVoucher
(_vendTrans.Voucher, _vendTrans.TransDate),

select sum(AmountCurDebit)
from sumLedgerJournalTransInvoiceAmt
where sumLedgerJournalTransInvoiceAmt.Voucher == _vendTrans.Voucher;

select sum(AmountCurDebit)
from sumLedgerJournalTransWHTAmt
where sumLedgerJournalTransWHTAmt.Voucher == _vendTrans.Voucher
&& sumLedgerJournalTransWHTAmt.SLD_AdvanceWHT == NoYes::Yes;

chequeTmp.SLDSr = counter;
chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceId = "@SLD_Label:AdvancePayment";
chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceDate = date2Str(ledgerJournalTrans.TransDate, 123, 2, DateSeparator::Dot, 2,DateSeparator::Dot, 4);
chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceAmountCur = sumLedgerJournalTransInvoiceAmt.AmountCurDebit;
chequeTmp.SLDDeductionWithholdAmount = sumLedgerJournalTransWHTAmt.AmountCurDebit ;
chequeTmp.SLDPaymentAmountCur = chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceAmountCur - chequeTmp.SLDDeductionWithholdAmount - chequeTmp.SLDPaymentAmountCur;


Header = '<table border="1"><tr><th> S.No. </th><th> Document No. </th><th> Invoice Reference </th><th> Invoice Date </th><th> Invoice Value </th><th> GST Withheld </th><th> Deduction WHT </th><th> Net Amount </th></tr>';

while select SLDSr, SLDInvoiceId, SLDInvoiceDate, SLDInvoiceAmountCur,
SLDDeductionWithholdAmount, SLDGSTWithholdAmount, SLDPaymentAmountCur from chequeTmp
EmailTable = strFmt('<tr><td> %1 </td><td> %2 </td><td> %3 </td><td> %4 </td><td> %5 </td><td> %6 </td><td> %7 </td><td> %8 </td></tr>',chequeTmp.SLDSr, _vendTrans.Voucher, chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceId, chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceDate, chequeTmp.SLDInvoiceAmountCur, chequeTmp.SLDGSTWithholdAmount, chequeTmp.SLDDeductionWithholdAmount,chequeTmp.SLDPaymentAmountCur);
netamountpayment +=chequeTmp.SLDPaymentAmountCur;
netAmountPaid = strFmt('<tr><td colspan=7 style="text-align:right"> Net amount paid </td><td> %1 </td></tr></table>', netamountpayment);
emailTablerows = strList2str(emailtablecontents);
return emailTablerows;



This can be sendInteractive(message) 
It will open email for you to check details and send by your self


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