PRIVILEGES, DUTIES AND ROLES IN D365 FinOps To add customize security privilege, duty and role you should follow this flow because it is considered as the best practices Role---> Duty---->Privilege Duty and Privilege would be created at the back end and where as role would be created at front end 1. create privilege from solution explorer in a project and add new entry point for output, display or action menus to refer in privilege that for which entity we have to give privilege to the user 3. Now Create a duty from solution explorer same as privilege and add this new created privilege to the duty Now you can refer this duty to the role created on the front end. HEY HEY HEY !!!! HACK OF THE DAY !! THE HIGHEST ACCESS LEVEL FOR ACTION MENU ITEM IS DELETE
Edit Method D365 for a form Data Source 1. To create an edit method first create a controller class. with following properties public static edit MainAccountNum LedgerJournalTransLedger(LedgerJournalTrans _ledgerjournal, boolean _set, MainAccountNum _id) { MainAccountNum accountId = _id; MainAccount mainAccount = MainAccount::findByMainAccountId(_id); if(_set) { if(_ledgerjournal.AccountType== LedgerJournalACType::Ledger) { mainAccount = MainAccount::findByMainAccountId(accountId); if(_ledgerjournal.LedgerDimension) { DimensionDefault defaultDim = LedgerDimensionFacade::getDefaultDimensionFromLedgerDimension(_ledgerjournal.LedgerDimension); _ledgerjournal.LedgerDimension = LedgerDimensionDefaultingEngine::getLedgerDimensionFromAccountAndDim(mainAccount.RecId, DimensionHierarchy::getAccountStructure(mainAccount.RecId), defaultDim); } else { _ledgerjournal.LedgerDimension = LedgerDimensionDefaultingEngine::getLedgerDimensionFromAccountAndDim(mainAccount.RecId, DimensionHierarchy::ge...